1.'I've heard so much about this movie and I'm curious, ' Pei Pei said. 'It should be a unique experience. '
2.He said, "It will be very emotional for me because, as a Neapolitan, playing in Naples for the opposing team is such a unique experience. "
3."Ai Weiwei is all fine now, " Lu said. "His health is good, and his mood is okay. It's really been a unique experience for him. "
4.It will give you a unique experience that you will never forget all your life. It is indeed a spring city in the real sense of the word.
5.He said soccer fans should love sound of the horn as it is part of the unique experience of South Arican soccer.
6.Particularly since the combination of screw up the production, with sophisticated and unique experience.
7.If one person tells you a restaurant stinks, they may have had a unique experience or simply have different tastes than you.
8.Relevant Sensory Oddity - About presenting the senses (not just the eyes) with such a unique experience that people want to talk about it.
9."it was a unique experience - something very special. as soon as i knew about it it was just great, unique, " said mess i.
10.For the most part, someone commenting on an article that you wrote on the internet is not an extremely unique experience.